Application: Slurry for making sausage casings
Previous Product Used: 3M Cuno Polynet 1 micron
Graver Product: Graver Stratum A 1 micron and Stratum C 3 micron
A manufacturer of sausages was looking for a better filtration solution for their cellulose slurry. They were using Cuno Polynet 1 micron absolute rated filters to maintain a specific turbidity level of this mixture of cellulose fibers, sulfuric acid and sodium salts. Initially the customer tried STA 1 micron, which achieved the desired turbidity, but life was shorter than the 3M filter. It was decided to try Graver Stratum C 3 micron to see if the turbidity target could be met, while offering cost savings.
The STC 3 micron met the turbidity specification.
STC 3 micron filters had longer life than STA 1um and matched the Polynet life.
The dirt capture within the STC 3 filters was highly uniform, but with white area near core indicating no pass through of captured contaminant.
The Polynet filters showed penetration of contaminant all the way through to the core and also held up excess fluid between layers.
Cost savings were immense for the customer. They went from paying $22 for the Cuno Polynet to paying $10.50, a savings of over 50%.
The engineer gathered sufficient data to win corporate approval to change the filter specification and STC 3 filters were adopted in this company’s plants around the world. The engineer was rewarded for his efforts with a promotion!