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  • Writer's pictureGreen Synergy Engineering

Case Study: Savings & Safety for Offshore Water Treatment Chemical Manufacturer

Application: Production of water treatment chemicals for offshore application

Previous Product Used: Pall High Flow Ultipleat 4.5 micron 40 inch filter

Graver Product: Graver Technologies PMC 1 micron 40 inch filter



During the extraction of Petroleum, water that has been trapped in underground formations is brought to the surface along with oil or gas. This water is known as "produced water", and it is the largest volume of by-product generated during oil and gas recovery operations. Unfortunately, produced water has a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds that makes it unsafe to be discharged into the environment without proper treatment.

Treating produced water allows the water to be used and protects our environment from being polluted. Many water-stressed oil-producing countries see produced water as a potential source of fresh water, so they implement stringent legislations on its management and discharge while many oil and gas companies also see this demand as significant potential of the oil and gas business.

Case study:

A manufacturer of chemicals for the treatment of produced water was seeking an alternative to the high priced Pall High Flow Ultipleat filters to reduce their ongoing costs. There were instances where small batches of chemicals needed to be filtered which did not utilize the full on-stream life of the High Flow filters. In addition, they had some concern over the weight of the spent High Flow filters and the safety of their operators who had to handle these products.

The customer initially tried a competitive High Flow retrofit, but did not achieve the desired removal efficiency. They then agreed to replace the special High Flow housing with a standard cartridge filter housing which would accept five 40" filters. This selection was made to assure that the effective filtration surface area was equal or greater than the single High Flow filter.


  • The PMC 1 micron filters in a 5-around 40" configuration achieved longer on-stream life than the Pall High Flow filter.

  • The PMC 1 micron filters also achieved the desired filtration quality.

  • Safety risk to the operators was eliminated since the standard size cartridges were much lighter weight.

  • The customer gained a new flexibility to achieve additional savings in filter costs by “plugging” one or more of the housing ports for smaller batches (use 1, 2 or 3 cartridges instead of 5).

  • Substantial annual cost savings were realized.

  • Anticipated usage is 390 x 40 inch filters per year.

Green Synergy Engineering is the sole distributor of Graver Technology Liquid Process Filters in Malaysia. Contact us to find out more about our products and services.

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